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IoT/AI Solutions You are here:
Home IoT/AI Solutions
We design miniature , battery based portable IOT moduels for Intrusion , Surveillance , Alert Applications in Defense.
IOT, BLE based Low powered Deep sleep and low power consumption based Devices.
Customized Design with strong Development team to prepare a solution.
We have targeted Early Warning Alert, Intrusion detection , Wireless Camera Surveillance , Pressure based Passerby alert solution , Smoke detection application etc.
We design Electronics, Mechatronics, Skill development labs pertaining to IOT and Microcontroller based applications.
IOT, Microcontroller, LORAWAN based Training Kit solutions for educational institutes
8051, ARM, ESP, Arduino, STM based trainer kits to perform live experiments and understand hardware along with software
Cloud Dashboard for analysis with Strong R&D Team
Prime Reputed Educational Institutes like NIT’s, IIIT’s, Universities, Skill Institutes etc.
We design multiple Environment application based Data Logging , Monitoring and Alert Solutions for Weather, Air, Water, Soil etc.
Weather Parameters like – Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind Speed , Soil health , PM2.5 , PM10 , AQI , Ph , Conductivity and many more.
In house Research and Development for Customization as per your field
Personalized Cloud Dashboard for Data analysis, graphical comparisons, report preparation and editing sampling rates.
Widely applicable in Crop Fields , Agricultural Universities , Research Institutes, Industries and many other fields.
Monitoring , Automation and Surveillance oriented solutions
PLC , SCADA , IOT , HMI based Monitoring and Automation Solutions
Warehouse Monitoring , Conveyer Belt automation , Industrial Grade Displays , Intrusion Alert , Surveillance , CCTV’s and many more solutions
Custom Cloud Dashboard and software provision for application
Prime Industrial clients like Pernod Ricard , TVS , P&G , Nestle , Ambuja Cement , Reliance Industries etc.
We design Electronics oriented Skill development labs pertaining to IOT and Microcontroller based applications.
IOT, Microcontroller, LORAWAN based models to experiment Live practical automation applications.
ARM, ESP, Arduino microcontroller-based kits with integrated sensors to view live demonstration.
Cloud Dashboard for analysis with Strong R&D Team
We have setup labs in NIT Patna , IGTU Delhi , ITI’s , GNDU Amritsar and many other institutes.
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